Friday, July 10, 2009

After two days of working in committee’s (I serve on Prayer Book, Liturgy and Music along with my Bishop) we began the first legislative day at 8am and organized ourselves electing Bonnie Anderson (Dio. of Michigan); The Rev. Brian Prior (Dio. Of Spokane) and The Rev. Gregory Straub (Dio of Easton) N. Curt Barnes (Treasurer).

In an old custom, two deputies were sent to the House of Bishops to inform them that we are organized and ready to do business. And, in turn two bishops arrived and informed the House of Deputies that the House of Bishop’s is organized and ready for business. These are gracious customs and set a groundwork of cooperation and mutuality between bishops laity and clergy in the next 14 days. There is always tension at various points between the Houses and these tensions can yield wise and gospel oriented decisions. Tension can be good, but it is also to be handled with gentle conversation, prayer and integrity.

We begin with worship and Eucharist. We hope to embody the theme “Umbuntu” – I am because of you---is a hope, goal and dream of this gathering.

We also gather as diocesan groups for practice in "public narrative" or telling our stories about why our passions, mission and spirituality are the way they are.

Preachers so far---The Presiding Bishop and Rowan Williams. Rowan's sermon was actually OK with a little anxiety around legislation that would make his role more difficult. But he was soft sell on this in my opinion as he preached this before all the attendees--deputies, bishops, alternates, visitors, Triennial delegates and a host of volunteers and exhibitors.

My work on Committee 13 (Prayer Book, Liturgy and Music) requires I spend from 7-7:30am til sometimes 9pm in committee. With umbuntu groups, worship and plenary sessions of the House of Deputies in between.

More later....


  1. Scott, I'm glad to know you're on PBL&M.
    If you have the nerve, approach my bishop [you know who he is], say "This is from Lisa," and kiss his episcopal ring. I can assure you he won't slug you, and I suspect he might fall down in laughter.

  2. "God has called & may call gay & lesbian persons to any ordained ministry" It appears that you are in the presence, in Anaheim, of a historic resolution by the Episcopal Church. How do you feel about this proclamation? I am sure you are ecstatic. I hope that the rest of the Anglican Community can come together with this reality. This acceptance and embracement of everyone is what drove me to this faith. I am sure it will bring more people to the church, but unfortunately it will also drive so called “Traditionalists” away.

    Come on Scott, update us. It’s Tuesday and you last updated us on Friday.
