Friday, July 10, 2009
In an old custom, two deputies were sent to the House of Bishops to inform them that we are organized and ready to do business. And, in turn two bishops arrived and informed the House of Deputies that the House of Bishop’s is organized and ready for business. These are gracious customs and set a groundwork of cooperation and mutuality between bishops laity and clergy in the next 14 days. There is always tension at various points between the Houses and these tensions can yield wise and gospel oriented decisions. Tension can be good, but it is also to be handled with gentle conversation, prayer and integrity.
We begin with worship and Eucharist. We hope to embody the theme “Umbuntu” – I am because of you---is a hope, goal and dream of this gathering.
We also gather as diocesan groups for practice in "public narrative" or telling our stories about why our passions, mission and spirituality are the way they are.
Preachers so far---The Presiding Bishop and Rowan Williams. Rowan's sermon was actually OK with a little anxiety around legislation that would make his role more difficult. But he was soft sell on this in my opinion as he preached this before all the attendees--deputies, bishops, alternates, visitors, Triennial delegates and a host of volunteers and exhibitors.
My work on Committee 13 (Prayer Book, Liturgy and Music) requires I spend from 7-7:30am til sometimes 9pm in committee. With umbuntu groups, worship and plenary sessions of the House of Deputies in between.
More later....
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
The trip and safe arrival on the Toddler Plane!
The flight from ABE to Cleveland was just fine --- mostly sleepy business travellers with laptops, I-Phones and Blackberry's. Then a quick change of planes in at Cleveland Hopkins and then off to LA.
This flight was not the most pleasant. I was surrounded by LOTS of toddlers (maybe 6 or more). One right behind me on his parent's lap and who gave my seat a good kick every time I was almost asleep. There were lots of whiners and criers and one or two up and down the aisle types. One mother thought we would all enjoy having her child touch our legs as he went up the aisle and didn't bother to correct the child as he fiddled with the emergency door latch. I gently slipped the buckle of my seatbelt back in place as my mind went to the child perhaps opening the emergency door and being sucked out along with Mom and other sibling---problem solved I thought....
Finally we landed and Laura picked my up at Terminal 6 at LAX. We drove southeast to Anaheim. The weather was sunny and very cool in LA but warmer here in more inland Anaheim. Laura and I had lunch after I checked in and found my room in the labyrinth this place is! I need a GPS devise or breadcrumbs to find my room each time.
Sunday, July 5, 2009
The Day Before
Don't touch my bags if you please
Ok... Well here I am on the threshold of another General Convention of the Episcopal Church and I leave tomorrow morning at 6:30 AM from Allentown to Cleveland and then from there to LAX where my friend Laura is picking me up and depositing me at the Anaheim Hilton.
My big, fat red suitcase is full of mostly clothing and toiletries. All the errands that consume you prior to a 15 day trip have put me on overload. Buying more underwear, shorts (after all it IS California), washing every thread of clothing I have, picking up a suit at the dry cleaner, getting a bunch of cash, confirming flight on-line, filling prescriptions and counting pills (golly I wouldn't want to be without my "dolls" in California!), getting enough Dramamine and Melatonin from my friend Dixie to knock me out so I won't wake up until LAX, taking the dog to "puppy camp", BUYING a suitcase, signing up for Boingo, remembering to bring my stole and Prayer Book/Hymnal, charging the camera batteries, the list goes on and on. I won't be bringing a "couple of keys" but I will be shlepping a suitcase, backpack and garment bag.
I think of the Gospel lesson this morning where Jesus sent out his disciples with only a staff. Clearly, Jesus was not sending the 12 Disciples to the General Convention! I think I would not last long at the GC if I only had the clothes on my back and a big stick (not even a toothbrush???)
I am full of excitement, anticipation and responsibility to the Church in a strange way to make thoughtful, theological and Anglican decisons--although my friend Patrick and I had a debate just last night on what constituted "Anglican". I will see old friends, make new ones, and get an experience of the Episcopal Church that, bar none, gives you as close an experience of its breadth and diversity as possible. When I sidle up to the word "catholic" in the creed my mind goes to images from being part of this once-every-three-year event. Its absolutely phenomenal.
Tomorrow it starts at 3am when I rise, drink coffee, shower, throw the last minute stuff into my bags and wait for Mike to pick me up at 5am to make my 6:30am flight from ABE International to Cleveland, then a big plane across the continent to the City of Angels. Pray for me, pray for us, and pray that God's will be done in all things the next 2 weeks. A parishioner sent me a quote from EB White which aptly conveys my attitude in most of life but particularly on the verge of General Convention....
I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult. ~ E.B. White
I pray always to be able to do both! Stay tuned!